Whole Home Automation

The Benefits of Embracing a Smarter Home

Transitioning to a ‘smart property’ can improve your everyday experience. Intelligent Lifestyle Technology makes a building easier to manage, enables energy sub-systems to operate more efficiently, and creates a more enjoyable environment to spend time in. For Butler Harwell, the concept of a ‘smart home’ is itself antiquated, with most Lifestyle Technology systems now considered basic commodities by UK Government Building Regulations. We work to bring homes up to date and help them reach their potential with efficient, sustainable systems that are both stylish and easy to operate.

‘Smart Home Technology’ has a just, yet outdated reputation, for complicated and unsightly controls that even professional integrators have come to tarnish as ‘wall-acne’. This legacy from the primitive stages of ‘smart home’ development has dissuaded some homeowners from enhancing their properties with technology that simplifies home management, and completes the interior design with sleek finishes. Lifestyle Technology solutions have evolved to be at the peak of sophistication, bringing style and convenience to professionally integrated homes.

Butler Harwell are here to make your home run more smoothly and efficiently and to give you complete control, in a style that suits you. Our technology experts work with interior designers to integrate sleek Whole-Home Automation systems that give you quick and easy control of your heating, lighting, security, and entertainment all in one place. We don’t create commoditised, reactive systems that rely on an occupant to take action; instead, we take an affinity approach to the smart home, tying intelligent systems together in an adaptive, automated manner wherever possible. With your home management under control, you can dedicate more time to enjoying your living space, with rooms that have been enhanced for entertaining and relaxing.

Complete Control

In isolation, technology can be little more than a useful gadget. We specialise in creating unified, user-friendly control interfaces for real properties . We integrate discreet Lifestyle Technology solutions that are incredibly simple to use, putting everything you need at your fingertips, from controlling energy usage, to playing your favourite records. Discover the opportunities for your own home below.

User-Friendly Technology

Butler Harwell seamlessly integrates automated sub-systems that complement the interior design of a home with easy to operate, sleek, customisable controls to suit each homeowner. Homes can be managed at ease through one user-friendly device, in intuitive formats that suits the homeowner.

Experience Enhanced Living

For a fully immersive Whole Home Automation experience, we invite you to a ‘Discovery Meeting’ at the Huf Haus Show Home where we will take the time to get to know you, your routines and explore suitable Lifestyle Technology systems for your own home.



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